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Hydrofarm Aeroflo2 36 site Hydroponics--with 40 gallon reservoir


Set up and used once to grow tomatoes last winter. Includes all the original parts, plus a NEW pump, extra grow pots, etc. Retails for $800. 40 gallon reservoir. Won`t last long at this price! Grow tons of herbs, lettuce, etc, all in a small footprint.
Manufacturer info:
Of the General Hydroponics AeroFlo² aeroponic systems, this 36-site version is the closest to having a square footprint when set up side-by-side. If you`re using a square shaped grow light hood, the AeroFlo² 36 is a good choice.
The AeroFlo² 36 Aeroponics System has six 4-foot growing chambers, each with six plant sites that gives you a total of 36 individual plant sites. Its great for growing smaller plants which are three feet tall or shorter whether its vegetables, herbs or ornamentals.
The AeroFlo² 36 has laser sprayers directed at every individual root zone to super-oxygenate the nutrient solution, which delivers the perfect ratio of oxygen, water, and nutrient levels. You can control the nutrient solution depth in the grow chambers to create the ideal mix of moisture to aeration according to your plants` growth stage. For germinating seeds and cloning plant cuttings, keep the solution deeper. Once your garden starts to mature, utilize the NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) / aeration for best results.
From start to finish, the AeroFlo² 36 can germinate seeds or root plant cuttings, then grow your plants to maturity without transplating!
The AeroFlo² 36 site aeroponics system includes:
40-gallon Panda reservoir
Six 4-foot grow chambers
Bluestone pump
Injection manifold
Support structure
3" Grow Cups
CocoTek Coco cups
Hydroton growing media
3 part Flora nutrient kit
AeroFlo² 36 Dimensions: 50" wide x 55" long
Have some of the coco cups and grow cups remaining. No nutrients or growing media included.

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3432 Days ago

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Hydrofarm Aeroflo2 36 site Hydroponics--with 40 gallon reservoir
MariettaGA 30066
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