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CO2 Extractor Vessels


I have two units for Supercritical CO2. Each is $5,000. The giant is 6L, rated 6,000 psi, runs a quarter pound per run, uses 10lbs co2 per run, weights 60lbs empty and transports anywhere w ease, 3 ports, and hand threads w hash marks! The second unit is also a workhorse w yields in mind. Rated 10,000 psi,the highest quality stainless steel as its transparent to magnets, made by NASA they had no production costs when making the unit, this thing does 1-2oz runs, uses 1-2lbs per run, weights 35lbs empty, and just as mobile as the big brother unit, these units rock. We could meet at your place or mine, so long as travel is compensated. I openly and publicly called out master bho geniuses around to see their top shelf get bitch slapped by Carbon Dioxide extractions. I have automating equipment as well, but I use these thing in manual mode and love em. W the purchase comes instructions on how its done to vary results are just keep it simple. I can spend up to a week for training you to have the edge needed to have yourself distinguished from the rest.

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3680 Days ago

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CO2 Extractor Vessels
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